How To Reduce Workplace Stress

woman relax chair in office

American Power and Gas: Right from the traffic in the morning, to those endless meetings and back to traffic on your way home, the workplace is associated with stress and anxiety. But we have simple methods of effectively reducing stress at the workplace, do give it a read!

Breathe deep

Research reported by the NPR shows that breathing right has positive impacts on the digestive, cardiac and immune systems! Take in a deep inhalation and your exhalation should ideally be three times as long as your inhalation. The best part of this is you can do it any time, without anyone noticing! Try to make time for yoga in your daily routine In a research conducted by Harvard University Medical Center, it is shown that yoga reduces stress and anxiety.

Listen to music

Music is not just pleasurable, but is therapeutic too! Research by Stanford University, 2006, shows that music helps you relax in a stressful situation and takes your mind off the anxiety causing thoughts.


coworkers laughing

Research conducted by Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research shows that laughing can help reduce stress.So keep a reserve of funny jokes, comics and videos that you can refer to when you are feeling stressed. Laughing reduces endorphins that immediately reduces stress, leaving you with that light, giddy feeling.

Herbal and natural remedies

Research conducted by University of Maryland Medical Center proves that aromatic scents like lavender help alleviate stress and anxiety.So use these soothing aromatic perfumes on a handkerchief that you can sniff during work, or better still, use these sort of air fresheners to help you keep calm.

Drink some tea

In research reported by Psychopharmacology it was revealed that drinking black tea lowers cortisol levels, which in turn reduces anxiety.So convert your coffee breaks into tea breaks and notice the difference yourself!This post is share by American Power and Gas and originally posted: